Training in outpatient psychodynamic therapy in a community mental health setting. Late August 2025 - June 2027

Application due date: May 2, 2025. We are accepting applications on a rolling basis.

The Human Relations Service (HRS) is a private, non-profit community mental health service agency. Our goal is to provide an exceptional, advanced training experience in a variety of psychotherapy approaches, with strong emphasis on psychodynamic psychotherapy. The clinical population includes children, adolescents, families, and adults.

Year 1: starts late August 2025

  • Clinical Training Seminar in psychodynamic psychotherapy (weekly, 1.5 hours)
  • Clinical Case Conference (all-staff, includes invited speakers and staff presenters, weekly, 1.5 hours)
  • Psychodynamic Reading Group (monthly, 1.5 hours)
  • First-Year Supervision Group (weekly, 1 hour)
  • Individual supervision (2 supervisors/2 hours per week)

Year 2

  • Clinical Training Seminar in psychodynamic psychotherapy (as above)
  • Clinical Case Conference (as above)
  • Psychodynamic Reading Group (as above)
  • Second-Year Peer Supervision Group (weekly, 1 hour)
  • Individual supervision (2 supervisors/2 hours per week)
  • Case Conference Fellows Presentation (each fellow presents to the Clinical Case Conference once)


In addition to training and supervision hours, social work fellows provide a minimum of 10 direct service hours per week, with a mix of child, adolescent, parent/family, young adult, and adult cases as well as long- and short-term cases. Compensation is fee-for-service.

Application Requirements

We prefer applicants with experience in child psychotherapy, community mental health, outpatient psychotherapy, and/or school counseling; who have demonstrated interest in psychodynamic perspectives on formulation and treatment; and who are self-aware and psychologically-minded (as might be developed in part through personal psychotherapy). Please submit Cover Letter, Resume or CV, and three Letters of Reference to:

Susan Taylor, Psy.D., Training Coordinator
11 Chapel Place
Wellesley, MA  02481
staylorathrshelps [dot] org; phone: (781) 235-4950; fax (781) 235-7176

Please apply by email. For email attachments, pdf files are preferred.

Application due date: May 2, 2025.  We are accepting applications on a rolling basis and if positions are not filled after this deadline, we will continue to accept applictions on a rolling basis. Please feel free to inquire by email.